Why Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN?
Francium is the element with the most shells with only one valence electron. This tells us that the attraction between the valence shell and the nucleus is low. The reason for which it has the lowest ionization energy and electronegativity is because of its size. Because it is the largest atom,its capability of gaining an electron is low. This means it also requires very low amount of energy to lose electrons.Why Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE?
Helium is the smallest element on the periodic table. This element has one shell that's full, therefore the attraction between the valence shell and the nucleus is the greatest. Since it is the smallest element the ionization energy is low. The attraction between the nucleus and the electrons is the greatest.Helium has the fewest shells.
The noble gases have no need for any other electrons. Their full valence shell means that they dont need to gain or lose any electrons.Therefore they have no elcetronegatitivity. \
Why Fluorine has the highest EN ?
Flourine has the highest electronegativity. This is because it is the smallest element. It needs the greatest amount of energy to lose an electron because its attraction between the valence elctrons and the nucleus are also the greatest.
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